SmartVision is proud to present a large set of innovations in our revolutionary Quality Control testing instruments
- Smart_Projector New Models: giant Profile Projector with larger Field of View of the market, now equipped with Episcopic Light.
- Smart_Rotating_Robot: allows 360° Automatic Measurements, controlled by Application Software.
- Smart_Automation_Suite: allows managing the Automatic Measuring System functions through the automation of the production process.
- Smart_Horizontal_Adapter_Kit: switch the use of Smart_Projector from standard Vertical position to the Horizontal position. The Horizontal layout allows fast loading of any cylindrical part which can be rotated over 360° having a multiple side check.
- Profile_Matching: automatic Profile Check advanced feature, which can control any item compared to a dxf master; It replaces the use of traditional profile projector that requires to overlay a glossy sheet on the workpiece to be measured.